Saturday, December 2, 2006

My Initial Entry

Welcome to my first blog site. After much time and contemplation, I have finally decided to carve out my own space in the ever-expanding world of the Internet. I am a child of the 80's and, although I have become Internet savvy (out of sheer necessity and curiosity) over the years, it has taken me awhile to succumb to this new world of communication.
I prefer to hold private phone conversations inside my house and I have never text-messaged anyone on a cell phone. That being said, I am a writer and communicator at heart and, as I develop my writing craft and publish my works (poetry, freelance articles, fiction), I realize the benefits of being able to showcase my works for feedback and word-of-mouth in both the writing and non-writing community.
So, here I am. Geronimo!
Blog sites have always seemed somewhat surreal to me, as they are essentially public journals. On the other hand, so is poetry. I believe the goal of a writer is to touch another heart and mind with ideas through language and imagery, which I aim to do on my blog. I hope to see comments from familiar and new voices. I also trust that any works I post will be respected as copyright.


Heather Cardin said...

Welcome to blog world. I still don't like the word 'blog'...something so gluggy about it...but I enjoy being here, and am happy to welcome you. It was delightful to meet you at Glenairley.


Stephen K said...

Hi Andrea,

Sorry, I've been meaning to get in touch with you for awhile. For the last few months I've been reading at open mics around Van. I love your description of the goal of the writer, and completely agree. I will link to you.

Stephen K.